Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sunday, March 30, 2008
combination of them all
- To be different from other brands that are in the
- It can also be thought of types of associations that
comes to the consulemer's mind when they hear the
name of the brand
- Brands are also linked on our memories with
emotions and thoughts
- A brand image must also be sincere, exciting,
competent, sophisticated, and ruged
Associations that Brand has
- Favorability
- Uniqueness
Brand Attribute Consists of
-Non product Related
- Product Related
Two non-product related attributes
- Price
- Packaging
Define Brand Attribute
- Brand Attribute are the features or aspects of the
advertised product or brand
The successful positioning requires a communication
strategy that entices a single type of consumer need
(functional, symbolic or experiential)
- True
Define CPM
- Is how the consumer reacts to certain information
thae he/she recieves and how it is interpreted and
integrated with other information
- It involves exposure, attention, comprehension,
agreement, Retention and search and retrieval of stored
information, and a cpm wrap up
Define HEM - Explains how consumers process information when
they are carefree and happy and confronted with
positive outcomes - Product consumption results from anticipation of having fun and pleasure - From HEM perspective are subjective symbols that
precipitate feelings
Three Stages of Adopting New Products
- Awareness
-Free samples, coupons
- Trier
-wide product distribution, lower prices
- Repeater
- Personal selling, price, distribution, advertising, and
product satisfaction
Three Product Related Characteristics
-Relative Advantage
Adoption Categories of Diffusion Process
-Early Adopters
-Early Majority
-Late Majority
Define Brand
- Company's particular offering of product, service, or
other consumption object
- Uniqueness of a product
Brand Naming Process
-Specify Objectives for the Brand Name
- Create Candidate Brand Names
- Evaluate Candidate Names
- Choose a Brand Name
- Register a Trade Role of a Brand
- To establish uniqueness
- To signal to the targeted audience that there is a new
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Ethical, Regulatory, and Environmental Issues in Marketing Communications

Three Ethics of Targeting:
-Targeting to Children and Teens
- Targeting children is unethical because they
use children's trust
- Targeting Economically Disadvantaged Consumers
-Unethical because those people have
better things to buy than cigarettes
- Is Targeting Unethical or Just Good Marketing?
- Marketing people believe that advertising is done just
to satisfy a particular need
- Others believe that some of it is unethical and
Ethical Issues in Advertising:
- Advertising is Untruthful and Deceptive
- Two-thirds of Americans think that ADS are
- Deception occurs when ADS falsely represent a
product and consumers believe it
- Advertising is Manipulative
- When ADS have the power to influence people
to do things then it is considered manipulative
- Priming can be very influential because
advertisers can take advantage of that
- Advertising practitioners do have the ability to
influence consumers in very subtle way
-Advertising Is Offensive and in Bad Taste
- Sometimes ADS are insulting to human
intelligence, vulgar, and offensive
- Advertising Creates and Perpetuates Stereotypes
- Ads creates and perpetuates women, and
disadvantaged people and therefore is guilty
- People Buy Things They Do Not Really Need
- Ads cause people to buy items or services they
do not need
- Advertising Plays on People's Fears and Insecurities
-Ads can appeal negative emotions such as fear,
guilt, and humiliation
- Hence, (AAAA) is an association that sets
standards on ethics in advertising
Ethical Issues in Public Relations
-Publicity involves disseminating positive info
about a company and its products
Ethical Issues in Packaging and Branding
- Four Aspects of Packaging involve Ethical issues
-Label Information
- Can Mislead consumers by
providing exaggerated information
- Packaging Graphics
-Are unethical when the picture on
the package does not represent the
real product.
- Packaging Safety
- Unsafe Packaging are acute when
when packaging is not tamper proof
-Environmental Implications
- Always ask would I would be comfortable
explaining this action on TV to the general
Regualtion of Marketing Communications
- What is regulation Justified?
Three Benefits
Friday, February 8, 2008
Marcom's Challenges: Enhancing Brand Equity, Influencing Behavior, and Being Accountable
Friday, January 25, 2008
Overview of Integrated Marketing Communications and the Marcom Process

-A fourth characteristic of IMC is the belief that successful marketing communication requires building that relationships between brands and their consumer\customers.
-What is a relationship: is an enduring link between a brand and its customers. -There are myriad ways to build brand\customer relationship. Ex: use frequent flyers, frequency, loyalty programs.
-Relationships between brand and customer also are nurtured by creating brand experiences that make positive and lasting impressions.
- Affect behaviour
- This means that marketing communications do more that just influence brand awareness or enhance consumer attitude towards the brand.
-This point is to move people to action.
A brand's position represents the hey feature, benefit, or image that it stands for in the target audience's collective mind?
Setting Objective
- Marketing communicator's decisions are grounded in the underlying goals, or objectives, to be accomplishes for a brand.
-Financial resources are budgeted to specific marcom elements to accomplish desired objectives.
-At one extreme is top-down budgeting, in which senior management decides how much each submit receives.
-At the other extreme is bottom-up budgeting, in which managers of subunits determine how much is needed to achieve their objectives.
A Concluding Mantra
- Mantra is a Hindu word meaning incantation or recitation of the song. This mantra should be committed to memory and used as a hallmark when formulating marcom strategy.
Marcom Implementation Decisions
-Marcom managers must make a variety of implementation decisions in the pursuit of accomplishing brand-level objectives and achieving the brand's positioning and targeting requirement.
-Mixing Elements
-A fundamental issue confronting all companies is deciding exactly how to allocate resources among the various marketing communication tools.
- There is no optimum structure of expenditures between advertising and promotion.
- Brand equity consideration s also play a role in evaluating a satisfactory combination of advertising an promotion.
Creating Messages
- Messages are created in the form of advertisement, publicity releases, promotions, package decisions, and any other forms of marcom messages.
Selecting Media
-Though the term media is is typically applied to advertising, the concept of media is relevant to all marcom tools.
Establishing Momentum - The word momentum refers to an object's force or speed of movement.
- Marketing communications has programs also have, or lack, momentum.
-Critical to the concept of momentum is the need to sustain an effort rather than starting advertising for a while.
Marcom Outcomes
- After marketing communications objectives are set, elements selected and mixed, messages and media chosen , and programs implemented and possibly sustained, program evaluation must take place.
-Measures of communication outcomes include brand awareness, message comprehension, attitude toward the brand, and purchase intentions.
- Accountability, which requires that research be performed and data acquired to determine whether implemented marcom decision s have accomplished the objectives they were expected to achieve.