Sunday, March 30, 2008


Brand Image Consists of
- Brand's Name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a

combination of them all

- To be different from other brands that are in the


- It can also be thought of types of associations that

comes to the consulemer's mind when they hear the

name of the brand

- Brands are also linked on our memories with

emotions and thoughts

- A brand image must also be sincere, exciting,

competent, sophisticated, and ruged

Associations that Brand has

- Favorability

- Uniqueness

Brand Attribute Consists of

-Non product Related

- Product Related

Two non-product related attributes

- Price

- Packaging

Define Brand Attribute

- Brand Attribute are the features or aspects of the

advertised product or brand

The successful positioning requires a communication

strategy that entices a single type of consumer need

(functional, symbolic or experiential)

- True

Define CPM

- Is how the consumer reacts to certain information

thae he/she recieves and how it is interpreted and

integrated with other information

- It involves exposure, attention, comprehension,

agreement, Retention and search and retrieval of stored

information, and a cpm wrap up

Define HEM - Explains how consumers process information when

they are carefree and happy and confronted with

positive outcomes - Product consumption results from anticipation of having fun and pleasure - From HEM perspective are subjective symbols that

precipitate feelings

Three Stages of Adopting New Products

- Awareness

-Free samples, coupons

- Trier

-wide product distribution, lower prices

- Repeater

- Personal selling, price, distribution, advertising, and

product satisfaction

Three Product Related Characteristics

-Relative Advantage



Adoption Categories of Diffusion Process


-Early Adopters

-Early Majority

-Late Majority


Define Brand

- Company's particular offering of product, service, or

other consumption object

- Uniqueness of a product

Brand Naming Process

-Specify Objectives for the Brand Name

- Create Candidate Brand Names

- Evaluate Candidate Names

- Choose a Brand Name

- Register a Trade Role of a Brand

- To establish uniqueness

- To signal to the targeted audience that there is a new
